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# Justice Committee

This week
26th November 2023 - 2nd December 2023
‘Huge distortion’ over advent of facial recognition technology, Drew Harris says
The Garda Commissioner said that they would look to use the technology to retrospectively scan footage as part of investigations.
Garda Commissioner faces questions from TDs after Dublin Riots
Commissioner Drew Harris has been invited to the Oireachtas justice committee today.
Last month
November 2023
Drew Harris acknowledges discontent within Garda ranks at Oireachtas justice committee
Harris insisted he does not dodge or deny the concerns shared by gardaí around the morale of the force.
This year
‘Record number’ of gardaí leaving the force, with at least 150 due to quit this year says GRA
The Joint Committee for engagement on Policing Matters is due to meet in Leinster House later today.
NTA: Bus timetables will have to change because of later pub and club hours
The Oireachtas Justice Committee will be discussing the General Scheme of the Sale of Alcohol Bill today.
Changes to pub licencing rules could lead to further influx of chain pubs, TDs hear
The Oireachtas Justice Committee heard that the change would add more pubs to urban areas.
Last year
Special committee on assisted dying expected to begin in October
TD Gino Kenny says he hopes it is the beginning of a serious conversation around the issue.
Criminalising drug use is 'disastrous' waste of time and money, expert to tell Justice Committee
Dr Garrett McGovern believes Ireland should take a health-led approach to drugs and decriminalise personal use.
Minister to explore offering sex crime victims photo of offender on jail release
Helen McEntee made her comments at the Justice Committee.
Policing Bill will 'create confusion and cause a lack of clarity' for gardaí, committee to hear
Garda unions will appear before an Oireachtas committee today.
All time
Justice Committee: Govt should create strategy to address premature release of info into media
The Joint Committee on Justice released its report ‘Civil Liberties during the Covid-19 Pandemic’ today.
Ireland's Covid measures consistently less restrictive than majority wanted – ESRI
‘Overwhelming majority’ have supported public health measures and would have preferred them to be more restrictive.
‘Very challenging situation’ for Ireland if UK breaches international law, McEntee says
The Justice Minister said there will be ‘shock and surprise’ if the UK backs out of NI Protocol.
'Treated like cattle': Justice Committee chair says 'profiteering' use of hotels for asylum seekers should end
The Justice Committee today launched its report into Direct Provision.
Direct Provision should be 'replaced' or 'fundamentally reformed', Justice Committee concludes
The committee heard from stakeholders in relation to Direct Provision over the summer.
Drew Harris 'won't speculate' on border posts but says region will get more gardaí and armed support
The Garda Commissioner says the force is “ready” for Brexit.
Trump blocks Democrats' demand for secret Mueller material using executive privilege
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the demands were “unlawful and reckless”.
Poll: Should reference to women's 'life within the home' in the Constitution be amended?
The Justice Committee published a report on the matter yesterday.
Committee backs changes to ‘women’s place in the home' section of Constitution
The Justice Committee published a report on the matter today.
Referendum on women’s place in the home delayed after committee vote
The Oireachtas Justice Committee has voted for pre-legislative scrutiny of the removal of the women in the home reference.
'Is it non-compliance, or just lack of capacity?' - Policing Authority unsure of competence of Garda management
Chairperson of the Policing Authority Josephine Feehily was in front of the Oireachtas Justice Committee this morning.
Clare Daly asks Commissioner why she was brought to court over driving offence
More than 14,000 people were summoned to court erroneously.
Nóirin O'Sullivan calls country's top officers to garda HQ and urges them to support her
The Commissioner will address the Oireachtas today.
Undocumented in Ireland: "We're the very same as the Irish undocumented in the US"
Almost 90% of undocumented people living in Ireland are employed and 1 in 3 have been in the same job for five years.
Carrying drugs for personal use is illegal. But politicians are looking at changing that
The Portuguese approach could be considered here.
What can Ireland learn from a country that decriminalised drugs?
TDs are off to Portugal to find out.
TD says road sign he showed justice committee MIGHT have been from the UK
Finian McGrath says he has plenty of photos of signs that are “definitely” Irish.
"Frustrating" that Garda Commissioner didn't say if the Provisional IRA still exists
Nóirín O’Sullivan appeared before the Justice Committee today.
'Kids are selling drugs because gardaí are busy at water protests'
Drug dealing in Dublin has been described as “absolutely horrendous”
Garda PULSE system "not fit for purpose" and should be scrapped
The Garda Inspectorate has also recommended scrapping the Pulse system.
Restaurant owners say they're not targeting homeless with begging survey
The Restaurants Association said homelessness and aggressive begging are two separate issues.
Confirmed: It's going to be illegal to purchase the services of a sex worker
The age of consent is also to remain at 17.
'The abuse we suffered due to our skin colour is being airbrushed from Irish history'
Mixed Race Irish is asking for the Government to recognise the abuse they suffered in State-run institutions.
Age of consent should stay at 17 but two year leeway suggested
That’s according to a report from the Oireachtas Justice Committee published yesterday.
Should domestic violence be treated more seriously than public assault?
The Oireachtas Justice Committee thinks so.
Justice committee calls for single Garda Ombudsman
It also recommends reform of the complaints process, Garda training and formation of the Garda Authority.
Has gangland crime affected you or your community?
The Justice Committee is seeking submissions for its report on the impact of gangland crime on people across Ireland.
'One suicide within prison is too many'
The Irish Institute of Naturopathic Medicine is calling on the government to support its pilot programme to help reduce suicide in prisons.
What can TDs do to prevent suicide in prisons?
The Justice Committee will discuss this and other issues today.
'I told her to ring Maurice McCabe': John Wilson shook hands with the Garda Commissioner today
Noirín O’Sullivan shook hands and chatted with whistleblower and former garda John Wilson outside Leinster House today.