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# Fossil Fuels

Last month
November 2023
UK to grant new oil and gas licences in North Sea annually despite climate change
Rishi Sunak’s Conservative government plans to introduce legislation called the Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill.
This year
Emissions of Abu Dhabi oil company owned by COP28 President to increase more than 40% by 2030
“This Jekyll and Hyde presidency of crucial climate negotiations is now a critical concern,” an analyst said
Ex-UN climate chief has 'lost patience' with fossil fuel industry
“Instead of applying their amazing engineering capacity, they’ve been doing the opposite.”
Climate activists hold demonstration in Dublin ahead of UN sustainability talks
Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, Tanaiste Micheal Martin and environment minister Eamon Ryan will attend the UN General Assembly in the week ahead.
Irishman Bernard Looney resigns from BP over disclosures about past relationships with colleagues
BP received and reviewed allegations about the CEO’s conduct in May 2022.
€5.7 billion in fossil fuel business being funnelled through Ireland to the Global South
The money is made up of shares in bonds and shares in climate-harming activities in the Global South.
Greenpeace activists arrested after draping Rishi Sunak's mansion in oil-black fabric
Police have arrived at the British Prime Minister’s home.
Irish climate activist: How my Just Stop Oil arrest gives me hope for the future
Dr Genevieve Shanahan is an Irish lecturer in Cardiff. She explains why she joined Just Stop Oil.
Nothing is certain with Barryroe as saga of oil field drags on
Of the existing oil exploration licences, Barryroe had looked by far the most likely to actually happen.
Global negotiators take key step towards landmark treaty to end plastic waste
The negotiators are charged with developing the first international, legally binding treaty on plastic pollution, on land and at sea.
Climate protesters sprayed with tear gas at TotalEnergies shareholder meeting in Paris
The protest was mostly peaceful.
Climate change protesters delay Shell AGM for over an hour trying to storm stage
The annual meeting was delayed more than an hour as protesters shouted, sang and chanted.
Oil giant Saudi Aramco reports €29 billion profit in first quarter of year
The company blamed the fall on lower global oil prices.
Automatic pension scheme should not invest in fossil fuels, Government told
A report by
Lauren Boland
A new auto-enrolment pension scheme for workers has undergone scrutiny as the government prepares to put forward legislation.
A newly published report advises that investment funds in the scheme should not be allowed to invest in fossil fuels.
It also recommends that a minimum percentage of the funds should be invested in renewable energy development.
Oil giant BP faces shareholder backlash over U-turn on climate promises
Several big pension investment funds are pushing back on BP’s decision to scale down its climate goals.
EU moves closer to banning new fossil-fuel cars after striking deal with Germany
Germany, one of the biggest car manufacturers in the world, had previously vetoed the ban.
John Gibbons: Shell made record profits as the planet burns - welcome to the toxic oil industry
The environmental campaigner questions how a global fossil fuel giant can record its highest profits ever in the shadow of a climate crisis.
Eamon Ryan 'absolutely supports' Greta Thunberg and protesters against German mine expansion
Greta Thunberg was briefly detained by German police in a protest against the destruction of a village and the mine’s expansion.
Unpublished pensions report shows roll back on Climate Action Plan measure
A report by
Lauren Boland
Ambition for tighter scrutiny regarding the investment of pension funds in fossil fuels was quietly rolled back only months after the target was set.
Noteworthy reveals contents of unpublished government report on a proposal for tighter scrutiny on pension fund investment in fossil fuels
Before a working group had met to examine this proposed measure, it was deemed 'not prudent'
Several matters recommended by the report have not come to fruition but the measure is marked as complete
Last year
‘Heads must roll’: Industry and experts argue energy crisis of ‘our own making’
Concerns flagged as early as 2014 over the need to bring new power plants online to meet energy demands.
Academic analysis shows emissions for 2022 to date are estimated to be 7% higher than last year
EPA: Options being considered will impact on the State’s ability to meet legal climate targets
The Explainer x Noteworthy: Are data centres ramping up Ireland’s emissions?
Drilling for Data: Growing energy needs fuelling rise in data centre emissions
'Sustainable' investment funds in Ireland hold over $3 billion in fossil fuels
An investigation across Europe found 388 ‘sustainable’ funds that invest in fossil fuel and aviation companies.
Human health ‘at the mercy of fossil fuels’, report warns
Lancet The new report warns that governments are still prioritising use of fossil fuels despite huge health harms from climate change.
UN chief slams 'immoral', 'excessive' profits of oil and gas companies amid energy crisis
The burning of fossil fuels is the main cause of climate change.
EU Parliament votes down objection to divisive 'sustainable' label for nuclear and gas
Ireland’s two Fianna Fáil MEPs took opposite sides of the debate.
Telling people to tighten their belts shows Govt is 'out of touch' on cost of living, says SF
The Taoiseach told the Dáil that Putin wants western governments to get the blame for rising energy costs.
Taoiseach warns of ‘rocky’ times ahead after EU bans most Russian oil and gas
Micheál Martin said it will be “challenging” for consumers as the EU weans itself off Russian fossil fuels.
Energy consumption and emissions make post-pandemic jump
As restrictions lifted in 2021, energy use and related emissions moved in the opposite direction of climate goals.
Climate protesters arrested in Scotland over blockading of oil terminal
The activists demand that the British Government ends new oil and gas projects in the UK.
Backbenchers tell Eamon Ryan that turf sale restrictions is putting Govt stability in jeopardy
Environment Minister Eamon Ryan will meet with Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael TDs today.
Dáil turf wars: Eamon Ryan seeks to unite coalition against Sinn Féin motion
Restrictions on the sale and burning of turf are being considered.
The government insists there is no outright ban and that there are exemptions to the regulations.
Several coalition TDs have expressed concern about what the rules would mean for rural areas.
Sinn Fein calls the new rules "unfair and unworkable".
'We won’t put your granny in prison for burning turf', says Ryan doubling down on no pause comments
Explainer: Why is Vladimir Putin demanding that Europe pays for Russian gas in roubles?
Germany has warned its citizens that gas rationing could be implemented if Russian flows are interrupted.
'We have energy security issues': EU's battle to cut Russian gas, quit fossil fuels, and protect supply
The Journal spoke to Irish MEPs about what they believe must be done to reduce energy dependency on Russia while also protecting the climate and supply.
EU moves to significantly cut imports of Russian fossil fuels as MEPs eye alternatives
The EU’s Standing Rapporteur on Ukraine says Europe should impose an embargo on the import of Russian fossil fuels.
'Neglected': Why Ireland is the worst country in the EU at using renewables to make heat energy
Only 6% of the energy required for heating and cooling in Ireland came from renewable sources in 2020.
All time
Debunked: No, this photo doesn't show a COP26 electric bus being towed by a diesel truck
Memes spreading on social media claim this photo is proof an electric bus broke down during COP26 and required a diesel truck to tow it.
The photo was shared widely online as proof that electric buses at COP26 were not reliable.
However, the bus in the photograph is actually a hydrogen fuel bus and was never used in Glasgow, writes Brianna Parkins
Ireland joins group of countries working to phase out oil and gas exploration
Several other countries have signed up to join this new alliance.
More than 20 countries and institutions promise to end overseas fossil fuel finance
The US, the UK, New Zealand and other countries around the world have signed up to the pledge, though Ireland has not.
China to aim to cut fossil energy use to below 20% by 2060
The country has been criticised for pushing ahead with opening dozens of new coal power plants.
Climate change the biggest single health threat facing humanity, warns WHO
Burning of fossil fuels is killing us, UN health body warns ahead of Cop26 summit.
'We can't wait any longer': Biden says US will lead way as he signs executive orders on climate change
Republicans criticised the plans and said they’d cost jobs.