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# Unions

All time
Retail firms to switch energy providers if ESB strike goes ahead
Retail Excellence Ireland urged the government to intervene to prevent the ESB from “holding the country to ransom”.
ESB unions issue strike threat ahead of meeting next week
The ESB Group of Unions met today and accepted an invitation to talks but have stated firmly that strike notice would be in place thereafter.
ESB unions meet to discuss strike options
Employees voted overwhelmingly in favour of industrial action earlier this week
Number of days lost to industrial disputes rises for third consecutive quarter
Figures released today by the CSO shows that 6,718 days were lost to industrial disputes in the third quarter of this year.
Aer Lingus crew at Shannon Airport back LRC deal in staffing dispute
The deal will see five crew operating the new smaller transatlantic services with a review of operations due next summer.
Union boss warns that ESB industrial action could hit power supplies
Brendan Ogle says that there is “no doubt” that industrial action would hit services.
'Potentially serious impact for customers' as ESB workers vote for strike action
The ESB Group of Unions will meet on Friday to decide on the next step after 87.5 per cent voted for industrial action over a pension dispute.
Union expresses fears for Arnotts and Boyers jobs
Mandate says that the sale of the debt of the landmark store should prioritise jobs.
Movement in teachers dispute as ASTI to meet department officials tomorrow
The discussions have come about as a result of informal talks that took place between the parties last week.
Up to 50 jobs at risk at Essentra Packaging in Waterford
The company are to initiate a 30-day ‘consultation period’ on the future of their plant in the city.
Eddie Stobart told to pay €5,000 in compensation to drivers over working hours
The penalty decision was made by the Rights Commissioner with the company now having six weeks to respond.
TUI says more teachers are needed if planned Junior Cert changes are to be made
The Teachers Union of Ireland said they are concerned there is not enough resources to implement the planned reforms.
ESB hits out at 'inaccuracies' in reports about pension scheme
Reports over the last couple of days suggested the company had changed the nature of the scheme and failed to tell its auditor KPMG about opposition to the changes from unions.
Got post to send to the UK? Do it before Royal Mail staff go on strike
Workers at the postal service will strike for the first time in four years on 4 November.
Anti-austerity march calls on unions to support ASTI
Mick O’Reilly of the DCTU said that politics of austerity amounted to a “war on working people’ with the best defence in that war “unflinching solidarity”.
IMO to consider invitation to talks at the LRC
The union’s committee will meet this morning and will also discuss the next stage of industrial action following the yesterday’s 24-hour strike.
Unions unhappy with proposed pension cuts for Aer Lingus and DAA workers
Last night, unions heard proposals that could see pensions cut by 15 per cent.
Five years older and deeper in debt... So why don't the Irish protest more?
In the last few years, there’s been a noticeable decrease in the numbers taking to the streets to voice their anger. We asked the experts — why are the Irish so reluctant to protest?
Union chief: 'ESB are refusing to engage in discussions'
ESB unions voted unanimously to hold a ballot for industrial action over pensions.
ASTI reject Haddington Road agreement, vote for industrial action
The union representing 17,000 secondary teachers voted by way of a 63 per cent majority to reject the deal.
Thousands expected to attend 1913 commemorations
President Michael D Higgins will lead today’s events in Dublin – marking 100 years to the day since Bloody Sunday.
Average weekly earnings fall in seven out of 13 categories
The largest decrease, of around seven euro a week, was recorded in the hospitality sector. The largest increase was in construction.
Security staff at state solicitor’s office protest after being replaced
The eight security workers were not given positions after a new contractor took over at the site.
Here’s What Happened Today: Friday
Everyone’s talking about poor hygiene in hospitals, home births and students cheating in the Leaving Cert.
Pilots' group insists Ryanair safety claims were not fabricated
Ryanair has threatened to sue the makers of a documentary that aired the results of a survey by the group last night.
Aer Arann pilots to strike next week
The Irish Airline Pilots’ Association (IALPA) voted by a 91% margin to begin strike action next Tuesday.
Varadkar: I’m not going to get involved in ‘nitty gritty’ of Dublin Bus negotiations
The Transport Minister has ruled out getting involved directly in talks to end the all-out strike at Dublin Bus.
Clerys staff told it may be months before store re-opens
Clerys closed last Thursday and one staff member told that they have been told they may not be returning to work until November.
Workers let go by BCD Travel to picket Kerry Group
SIPTU representatives claim that the company is refusing to make redundancy payments decided by the Labour Court.
Government print facility workers to begin strike action
Workers claim their pay is being reduced without prior discussion and will begin strike action tonight at 8pm.
Another union votes in favour of Haddington Road deal
The Association of Higher and Civil Public Servants has voted 64 to 36 per cent to back the agreement.
TUI, ASTI recommend ballot of members on Haddington Road pay deal
The teachers’ unions both decided today to recommend a ballot of their members. The move comes after a number of unions accepted the deal.
Column: The Haddington Road deal is just the same as the last, with a few tweaks
Instead of uniting against this draconian piece of legislation, the unions are operating under a ‘me fein’ attitude that will help no one, writes Kieran Allen.
Brian Hayes: 'Unions who reject new public pay deal will face harsher cuts'
Negotiations have “concluded” on the Haddington Road deal, said the junior finance minister, adding less favourable conditions will apply to those unions who reject it.
'Industrial peace' on the way if unions accept pay proposals
If the union’s proposals are accepted, the ‘essential elements’ of the Croke Park Agreement will remain in place.
Column: Game, Set and Match to the Banks
The extent to which banks are running Ireland and Europe is clearly shown by the recently published Insolvency Guidelines and Rules, writes Dave Hughes.
Column: Here's why I decided to make a graphic novel about Jim Larkin
Jim Larkin is an iconic figure in Irish history, yet when I was in school the Lockout only received a minor mention on the history syllabus – we wanted to make him more accessible, says Rory McConville.
Teachers 'know pay negotiations will end up in compromise'
The General Secretary of the INTO said today that two issues of note were higher pay and the supervision allowance.
UPDATE: Bus Éireann proposals cut executive pay, restore driver premiums
Additional cash savings of €330,000 are expected to be made from contributions by executives, and directors also face a 20 per cent pay cut.
Bus Éireann services to operate as normal today
A minimum of 24 hours notice will be given for any industrial action, unions officials have said.