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# noteworthy

1st December 2023
The Explainer x Noteworthy: Are kids being locked out from jailed parents?
Investigative reporter Alice Chambers and former prison governor John Lonergan tell Susan Daly about how some children are struggling to get access to their loved ones in prison.
This week
26th November 2023 - 2nd December 2023
‘Children don’t deserve this’: Visiting an imprisoned parent is ‘traumatising’
Gruelling travel, harsh security and restricted interaction with parents make prison visits extremely tough for children.
Children go through metal detectors, drug swabs, pat down searches and sniffer dogs
Noteworthy analysis finds more than 60% of visiting slots are during normal secondary school hours
There are ‘not enough staff’ to enable visits families are entitled to
The Explainer x Noteworthy: Are kids being locked out from jailed parents?
‘A long way from normal’: Families say visits to prison still restricted post-pandemic
‘A long way from normal’: Families say visits to prison still restricted post-pandemic
A report by
Alice Chambers
Some children only get to see their parent in-person once a month and experts are concerned that video calls are replacing visits.
Investigation by Noteworthy finds the number of children visiting prison is 75% of what it was in 2019
Less than a third of prisoners received in-person visits on weeks where data was provided in 2023
Mother-of-two: “I want my kids to know who their father is”
October 2023
People across Ireland raise litany of complaints with councils about dogs running off-lead
A report by
Valerie Flynn
Fouling, aggression and flouting of the restricted breeds rules were among the complaints logged.
Swimming restrictions hit over half of all Irish bathing waters this summer
A report by
Alice Chambers
Sea swimming has never been more popular but risks of pollution are also rising.
Noteworthy analysed over 1,600 restrictions from the last decade and they almost tripled over that time
Restrictions include swimming bans and warnings of pollution risk
Expert: “More needs to be done to keep the water in our rivers, lakes and beaches clean”
Your ideas are needed to help Noteworthy scrutinise political decisions
Is there an issue that you feel has slipped under the radar? You have the power to suggest what our investigative platform examines.
Nobody under 18 has access to early intervention psychosis services
We want to hear from young people who are directly impacted by the lack of resources.
Going to bed hungry: Parents are ‘doing without’ food as cost-of-living crisis hits
A report by
Cormac Fitzgerald
After years of steady declining, food poverty in Ireland has shot up.
Hundreds of thousands of people across the country are not getting enough nutritious food to eat
The Muslim Sisters of Éire are distributing hundreds of meals a week in Dublin City Centre alone
Experts tell investigative platform Noteworthy that more State action is urgently needed
Emissions-heavy feed imports soaring to fuel dairy boom
Noteworthy analysis shows 50 million tonnes imported in the last decade as our tillage industry falters from lack of State support.
Irish tillage being squeezed out in favour of renting land to dairy farmers
Irish tillage being squeezed out in favour of renting land to dairy farmers
A report by
Niall Sargent
Noteworthy examines how dairy expansion has combined with years of policy neglect to leave grain growers struggling to survive.
Rental prices to go up 14% this year, with higher rates where dairy is dominant
Farmers say State plans to grow tillage are unworkable until land rental issue resolved
Land in tillage is set to fall by almost 10% by 2030 despite State targets to grow the sector
This year
The Explainer x Noteworthy: Will home births ever be the norm in Ireland?
Editor Maria Delaney and researcher Soma Gregory tell Susan Daly about the many obstacles facing women who would prefer this option.
'Maternal request' reason for over half elective C-sections in Holles Street last year
A report by
Maria Delaney
Nationally, the rates of C-sections and inductions continue to rise year-on-year.
Investigative platform Noteworthy examines the rise of medical interventions used during birth
Over 35% induced and over 36% had caesarean births in 2021
Experts are debating whether planned C-sections due to ‘maternal request’ are because of a women’s choice or clinician influence
'Unheard, belittled and made feel small': Women still battling for maternity care choice
Tide turning on water birth ban as Drogheda becomes third hospital to reinstate option
Growing number of unassisted births happening in Ireland, say birth experts
Previous birth trauma and limited maternity care choice can lead women to opt for a free birth.
'Unheard, belittled and made feel small': Women still battling for maternity care choice
A report by
Maria Delaney
Noteworthy’s months-long investigation reveals inconsistent care and lack of choice leading to trauma and unnecessary medical interventions.
Over 20 women from all over Ireland spoke to our investigative team about their pregnancy and birth experiences
Despite some reform, women are still fighting to be heard, with many feeling that they are not in control of their care
Women are being treated differently due to local policies that impact how medicalised their birth will be
Rural home births may be restricted as HSE stands by 30-minute distance limit
Tide turning on water birth ban as Drogheda becomes third hospital to reinstate option
Rural home births may be restricted as HSE stands by 30-minute distance limit
Noteworthy reveals this restriction was raised as ‘non-negotiable’ at a HSE meeting in March despite protestors feeling the issue was resolved last year.
Tide turning on water birth ban as Drogheda becomes third hospital to reinstate option
A report by
Maria Delaney
Water births are used for pain relief during labour and birth across the world.
Investigative platform Noteworthy examines the gradual return of water births in Irish hospitals
The option was suspended in the late 2000s after a baby died in a hospital birthing pool
Water births remain banned for publicly funded home births
Journalist from investigative platform Noteworthy awarded Press Council fellowship
This will enable reporter Alice Chambers to attend the world’s largest gathering of investigative journalists.
‘God power’: Concern over State examining parental fitness as part of IVF scheme
A report by
Maria Delaney
Advocates say that a ‘very subjective’ assessment could lead to discrimination.
Many fear strict criteria will prevent them availing of the newly announced publicly-funded scheme
This includes an assessment of intended parents to determine the welfare of any potential child
Disabilities and health conditions likely to be examined in this process
Opinion: The IVF funding scheme may be devastating for many, but it will also relieve some heartache
Explainer: How will the new publicly funded IVF scheme work?
Hundreds of acres of vital urban nature lost to astroturf in Dublin
A report by
Niall Sargent
Habitat loss and microplastics pollution from explosion of pitches provoking serious concern during biodiversity crisis.
Noteworthy analysis of planning files and satellite images shows new pitches replacing green urban spaces and growing in size
Feeding areas for vulnerable Brent geese in north Dublin replaced
EPA warns of spread of microplastics from pitches into environment
National Museum rolls back commitments on strategy for colonial objects
Strategy to assess legacy collections promised in 2021 will now be delivered ‘in due course’.
Number of computers sent to Rehab Recycle resold instead of destroyed
A report by
Niall Sargent
Audit identified risk of data breach after devices sold on to third party who had access to warehouse.
This followed concerns raised by a member of staff at Rehab Recycle Tallaght through a protected disclosure, Noteworthy reports
The audit collated a “significant volume of evidence” to support the majority of the concerns raised
Rehab states that recommendations of the audit have been addressed
Journal Media wins five Justice Media Awards for excellence in legal journalism
Noteworthy’s Niall Sargent was a joint winner of the Environmental Law/Climate Justice Reporting award.
Missing Mails: Wiping of ministers’ texts and emails to be addressed with new policies
A report by
Eimer McAuley
Controversies over deletion of texts occurred in recent years, with new investigation revealing this practice is widespread among European leaders.
Investigative project #MissingMails reveals multiple scandals across European governments and institutions
As part of this, The Journal and Noteworthy examine Irish State practices following 'ZapponeGate'
Retention policies currently vary from department to department
Lack of transparency harming Ireland’s vital election observer role
Crunching years of data and speaking to experts, Noteworthy scrutinises how our observer system stacks up internationally.
Ireland an outlier in decision to halt election observer role during Covid
Other Western European countries continued to send observers to monitor elections during the pandemic.
The Explainer x Noteworthy: Is GSOC fit for purpose?
Journalists Mick Clifford of The Examiner and Alice Chambers of Noteworthy tell Susan Daly about the Garda watchdog’s severe and ongoing problems.
Garda watchdog handing half of its cases back to gardaí to investigate
Solicitors, complainants and former GSOC staff voice frustration at slow investigations with few resulting sanctions.
Gardaí can “decide there is no breach, take no action and provide no rationale” when GSOC finds evidence of Garda misconduct
There is no appeal mechanism, even for serious criminal allegations against gardaí
Complainants told Noteworthy that they had lost faith in GSOC
The Explainer x Noteworthy: Is GSOC fit for purpose?
Targets missed in at least 70% of GSOC complaints investigated by gardaí
Targets missed in at least 70% of GSOC complaints investigated by gardaí
A report by
Alice Chambers
Most cases handed to and completed by gardai last year exceeded time limits.
Median length of garda-led investigations has never been near the agreed timeframes
Gardaí investigating gardaí brought in to prevent GSOC becoming “snowed under” by “less serious” complaints
Noteworthy wins prestigious award for investigation on exploitation of migrant fishers
The Journal’s investigative platform won at the Red Cross Awards for exposing abuses which the Taoiseach called “not far off modern day slavery”.
Louder than words: Investigations inspiring political action
From blackouts to fertility funding, important issues were raised by government and opposition politicians as a result of projects by Noteworthy.
Govt transfers €150m in Brexit funding to post-Covid fund, to be spent in part on retrofitting
The Taoiseach said the Government “would have liked” to spend the money on businesses and the agricultural sector, but that it faced obstacles in doing so.
The Explainer x Noteworthy: Why is it so tough to access autism services?
Reporter Niall Sargent and expert Eleanor McSherry tell Susan Daly about chronic delays in autism assessments and services for children.
‘Shouting into a black hole’: Chronic delays to autism services failing children
A report by
Niall Sargent
Families left in limbo as hundreds of vacancies in HSE teams impact capacity to provide autism support.
Noteworthy investigates multi-year waiting lists for therapy and the devastating impacts on families
Over 700 vacancies remain across the 91 teams responsible for providing autism services
Expert: "The reality is the system is broken"
The Explainer x Noteworthy: What is the environmental cost of hydropower?
Reporter Anthea Lacchia tells Susan Daly about declining fish stocks and significant changes in Ireland’s longest river.
ESB ‘being given free pass’ to divert water without ecological assessments
An Taisce expert says new legislation that impacts rivers and lakes used for hydroelectricity is ‘categorically unlawful’.
'Death by a thousand cuts': Hydropower killing, injuring and trapping fish by the tonne
A report by
Anthea Lacchia
Noteworthy investigates barriers along the River Shannon as deaths recorded at ESB stations and salmon hatcheries.
Huge declines in fish stocks have occurred over the last century
Fish passes on many rivers are not fit for purpose, with experts calling for removal of obsolete barriers
Ecologists and community members are lamenting decades of government and ESB inaction
‘It’s endemic’: Prevalence of racism in Irish workplaces at record levels
A report by
Joseph Okoh
Incidents of discrimination at work quadrupled last year, according to latest figures from the Irish Network Against Racism.
‘I felt so disrespected’: People share their experiences of racism by employers and colleagues
Expert: ‘Often, what we see in the workplace is microaggressions, reprimanding people unfairly’
‘Plans are on course’ to launch the National Action Plan Against Racism this month
Ireland fares worst at managing protected nature sites in new EU report
A report by
Niall Sargent
Out of 10 countries, Ireland underperformed in every measure aimed at protecting at-risk species such as the curlew and corncrake.
Report examined the effectiveness of measures to protect vulnerable species in Special Protection Areas (SPAs)
No Irish case had targeted, measurable and time-bound conservation measures to deliver the favourable status of species
"Incomplete and/or irregular” monitoring of many species also found
The Explainer x Noteworthy: Is the State ignoring island depopulation?
Noteworthy’s Niall Sargent and islander John Walsh tell Susan Daly about what is needed to help our offshore islands thrive.
‘Always a battle’: Clare Island locals fight to improve ‘dangerous’ pier
Inaction to improve conditions cutting at the heart of islanders’ connection to the mainland.