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1st December 2023
The Explainer x Noteworthy: Are kids being locked out from jailed parents?
Investigative reporter Alice Chambers and former prison governor John Lonergan tell Susan Daly about how some children are struggling to get access to their loved ones in prison.
This year
Your ideas are needed to help Noteworthy scrutinise political decisions
Is there an issue that you feel has slipped under the radar? You have the power to suggest what our investigative platform examines.
Modern family homes close to Cork from €310k
A striking new collection of beautifully-designed A-rated homes in the picturesque town of Midleton.
'Maternal request' reason for over half elective C-sections in Holles Street last year
A report by
Maria Delaney
Nationally, the rates of C-sections and inductions continue to rise year-on-year.
Investigative platform Noteworthy examines the rise of medical interventions used during birth
Over 35% induced and over 36% had caesarean births in 2021
Experts are debating whether planned C-sections due to ‘maternal request’ are because of a women’s choice or clinician influence
'Unheard, belittled and made feel small': Women still battling for maternity care choice
Tide turning on water birth ban as Drogheda becomes third hospital to reinstate option
Growing number of unassisted births happening in Ireland, say birth experts
Previous birth trauma and limited maternity care choice can lead women to opt for a free birth.
'Unheard, belittled and made feel small': Women still battling for maternity care choice
A report by
Maria Delaney
Noteworthy’s months-long investigation reveals inconsistent care and lack of choice leading to trauma and unnecessary medical interventions.
Over 20 women from all over Ireland spoke to our investigative team about their pregnancy and birth experiences
Despite some reform, women are still fighting to be heard, with many feeling that they are not in control of their care
Women are being treated differently due to local policies that impact how medicalised their birth will be
Rural home births may be restricted as HSE stands by 30-minute distance limit
Tide turning on water birth ban as Drogheda becomes third hospital to reinstate option
Rural home births may be restricted as HSE stands by 30-minute distance limit
Noteworthy reveals this restriction was raised as ‘non-negotiable’ at a HSE meeting in March despite protestors feeling the issue was resolved last year.
Tide turning on water birth ban as Drogheda becomes third hospital to reinstate option
A report by
Maria Delaney
Water births are used for pain relief during labour and birth across the world.
Investigative platform Noteworthy examines the gradual return of water births in Irish hospitals
The option was suspended in the late 2000s after a baby died in a hospital birthing pool
Water births remain banned for publicly funded home births
‘God power’: Concern over State examining parental fitness as part of IVF scheme
A report by
Maria Delaney
Advocates say that a ‘very subjective’ assessment could lead to discrimination.
Many fear strict criteria will prevent them availing of the newly announced publicly-funded scheme
This includes an assessment of intended parents to determine the welfare of any potential child
Disabilities and health conditions likely to be examined in this process
Opinion: The IVF funding scheme may be devastating for many, but it will also relieve some heartache
Explainer: How will the new publicly funded IVF scheme work?
Louder than words: Investigations inspiring political action
From blackouts to fertility funding, important issues were raised by government and opposition politicians as a result of projects by Noteworthy.
Slow rollout of eating disorder services 'destroying lives'
Just four of the planned specialist eating disorder teams are operating, with recruitment issues cited by the HSE for the delay.
Last year
Navy boardings find 10 fishing vessels almost fully crewed by migrant fishers
Standard sea fishing boat licence conditions require at least 50% EU crew.
Innovation funding allows Noteworthy to challenge the way complex stories are told
Our investigative platform was the only Irish recipient of the Google News Initiative Innovation Challenge.
Wheelchair user facing homelessness condemns lack of Government support
With few accessible options on the private rental market, little support is available for disabled people who fall outside social housing threshold.
Religious orders involved in redress sold properties totalling €90 million since 2016
A report by
Maria Delaney
Investigation by Noteworthy finds these congregations paid €27m to the State in redress during this time.
Investigation by Noteworthy finds these congregations paid €27m to the State in redress during this time
70% - or just under €250m - of redress for institutional child abuse now paid by congregations
Mother and baby institution survivor: "I have no expectations... It’s cold, hard business."
How Noteworthy is tackling inequity by giving a platform to unheard voices
Social justice has been a focus of investigative platform Noteworthy since its inception over three years ago.
Over 60% acute hospitals operating at unsafe bed occupancy levels
Five hospitals had an average monthly bed occupancy of 100% or more from January to March 2022.
Easy as ABC? Solving Ireland's lethal Acute Bed Capacity crisis
Inpatient bed numbers among lowest in EU and nowhere near demand predicted by capacity reviews.
Inpatient bed numbers among lowest in EU and nowhere near demand predicted by capacity reviews
Maria Delaney of investigative platform Noteworthy examines why despite overcrowding constantly being reported, hundreds of people continue to die
Full capacity protocol activated weekly at University Hospital Limerick, often resulting in cancelled ops
Alleged excessive data gathering by Department of Social Protection being examined
Noteworthy investigation reveals the Department had a database of individual free travel journeys until 2020.
The Data Protection Commission is looking at use of free travel pass data, writes Maria Delaney
Noteworthy investigation reveals the Department had a database of free travel journeys until 2020
We also find Leap card system usage records, including journey data, are being retained for over a year
Noteworthy supporters keen to see health service investigated
Our investigative platform recently received a lot of emails and support for health-related projects.
None of the 91 community teams for children with disabilities are fully staffed
There is an average vacancy rate of about 25% across teams, the Joint Committee heard this week.
Over half of children with disabilities not receiving any services, new survey reveals
Two recent surveys highlight concerns that services are getting worse rather than better.
People waiting longer to access specialist eating disorder care
The latest data shows an increase in people waiting more than eight weeks for assessments and treatment.
'Eating disorders don't just stop': Teenagers losing services on transition to adult care
Noteworthy finds that many children are being blocked from specialist treatment once they turn 18.
Delays, distress, deterioration: Health system failing people with eating disorders
A report by
Maria Delaney
Noteworthy investigates the chaotic state of services and reveals that most cannot access adequate care.
Noteworthy investigates the chaotic state of services and reveals that most cannot access adequate care
Only 55% of the staff for three new teams promised for 2021 have been recruited, reports Maria Delaney
People with eating disorders reporting that specialised care reserved for those at 'brink of death'
HSE reports 'surge' in referrals to adult eating disorder services
Referrals to St Vincent’s University Hospital in Dublin increased by more than 120% last year.
HSE pays €800,000 over asking price for Sisters of Mercy convent
A report by
Maria Delaney
The HSE told Noteworthy that the building – bought for over €2.7m – ‘has strategic value’ as it adjoins Beaumont Hospital in Dublin.
Convent site near Beaumont Hospital sold for over €2.7m last year, reports Maria Delaney of Noteworthy
It had been listed on the market for €1.9m just six months before the HSE bought it for its 'strategic value'
A report released to Noteworthy states there was 'no appetite on the vendors side' to move away from the tender process
All time
Irish boats landing five times recommended catch of fish important to ecosystem
A report by
Maria Delaney
‘An appalling waste of marine life’: Over 60% of sprat landed in 2021 was designated for fishmeal.
'An appalling waste of marine life': Over 60% of sprat landed in 2021 was designated for fishmeal, reports Noteworthy's Maria Delaney
Wildlife organisations are concerned of the impact sprat fishing is having on other marine life
More than half of sprat landed since 2019 was by large vessels over 18m in length
Families still waiting for inquiry into use of drug that causes birth defects
A report by
Maria Delaney
Health Minister Stephen Donnelly committed to an inquiry over a year ago, reports Noteworthy.
Health Minister Stephen Donnelly committed to an inquiry a year ago, reports Noteworthy's Maria Delaney
The 'vast majority' of the recommended services for affected children have not been put in place
Four nurses - a key measure to 'reduce harm in the future' - are still not appointed
'Wild West': Private fertility sector making millions as patients left in debt
A report by
Maria Delaney
The Noteworthy team also reveals numerous decisions have not been finalised by Government on long-promised public IVF services.
Noteworthy reveals numerous decisions have not been finalised on long-promised public IVF services
Reporter Maria Delaney finds people are using house deposits to pay for fertility treatment
A lack of legislation is leaving Ireland a ‘Wild West’ when it comes to treatment provision
TDs and Senators recommend public sector hiring targets to tackle Traveller unemployment
Recommendations of an Oireachtas report also include mandatory anti-racism training and temporary repeal of trespass legislation.
Tough Start Live: How can the cycle of disadvantage be stopped for Traveller children?
Watch our discussion with key Traveller advocates on the major investigative series by Noteworthy and The Journal.
Chief Scientific Adviser's dual role to be 'decoupled' following concerns over independence
Minister Simon Harris announced a public consultation on science advice will take place early next year.
Two international journalism awards for our investigative platform Noteworthy
The investigative team completed a number of collaborative projects in the past three months, thanks to your contributions.
Traveller health 'not being prioritised' despite 'shocking' outcomes for children
A report by
Maria Delaney
Noteworthy delves into the uphill battle facing Traveller children and reveals a lack of targeted health actions.
In its latest in-depth investigation, Noteworthy delves into the uphill battle facing Traveller children and reveals a lack of targeted health actions
Reporters Maria Delaney and Michelle Hennessy examine numerous obstacles to children's health
The Traveller Health Action Plan to be published 'soon' but advocates frustrated it has taken over a decade
'Revolving door': Traveller women imprisoned for minor offences such as driving without tax
Home by 10am: 'Misuse' of reduced school days leaving a generation of Traveller children 'lost'
Chief Scientific Adviser's dual role should be separated 'to protect independence'
A review of the role is underway, with concerns over a conflict of interest raised since the head of the Government’s science funding agency was appointed.
Many teenage Travellers not returning to school following pandemic closure challenges
Young Travellers found remote schoolwork extra challenging due to lack of access to digital and other resources during the pandemic.
'No plans' to reinstate HSE rehab unit closed during pandemic
The Keltoi Rehab Unit was converted to an isolation facility, with previous Health Minister Simon Harris promising its reopening.
The Keltoi Rehab Unit continues to be used as a Covid isolation facility, reports Maria Delaney of Noteworthy, our investigative platform.
Keltoi closed 18 months ago, with previous Health Minister Simon Harris promising its reopening
Addiction service advocates are frustrated with the HSE response and are calling for a clear reopening date
Government investment in DNA-collecting company Genuity Science loses value
The Ireland Strategic Investment Fund had invested €66m in the private genetics company acquired in a deal announced yesterday.
‘A significant challenge’: Unclear when public transport will be fully accessible
Despite some improvements in recent years, ongoing obstacles to accessibility are leading to isolation and anxiety for disabled people.
Despite improvements in recent years, ongoing obstacles to accessibility are leading to isolation and anxiety, reports Maria Delaney of Noteworthy, our investigative platform.
The NTA and Department of Transport could not give a date for a fully accessible public transport system.
Inaccessible infrastructure is preventing disabled people from travelling on accessible trains and buses.
'No plans to reinstate' transport schemes for disabled people that activists say are 'vital'
The Motorised Transport Grant and Mobility Allowance schemes remain closed after a review was recommended over eight years ago.