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# Coalition

Last month
November 2023
McDonald doesn't rule out possibility of Sinn Féin-Fianna Fáil coalition after the next election
The opposition leader said to form a government, “the numbers have to add up”.
This year
Eamon Ryan claims Green Party is the 'most effective' junior coalition partner in Irish history
Ryan told his colleagues at the party’s think-in that the Greens have “learnt from the past” and are determined to play a “decisive role”.
Despite a free vote, no FF TDs and just one FG TD voted in favour of PBP's abortion bill
The spotlight will be on the soldiers of destiny as to whether they have learned lessons from the past.
Harris calls for ‘everyone to take a bit of a deep breath’ over rows with coalition over budget
His comments come after Fine Gael ministers of state called for a tax cut of €1,000 for full-time workers earning €52,000.
'It's pure electioneering': Barry Cowen hits out at Fine Gael
Cowen was responding to comments made by the Taoiseach yesterday.
'Being in coalition doesn't mean we're the same': Coveney on FG-FF tensions
Tánaiste Micheál Martin labelled recent Fine Gael suggestions “unhelpful”.
Cabinet agrees counter measures to Sinn Féin's eviction ban motion
It’s in response to a Sinn Féin motion to extend the eviction ban that will be debated in the Dáil later today and voted on tomorrow.
Neasa Hourigan says she will vote against the coalition on extending the eviction ban
Hourigan has previously been suspended from the party for voting with the opposition.
Last year
Ireland ranked highest in Europe for boosters as elective care may be cancelled due to Covid
Strict close contact rules and the prevalence of Covid-19 have caused worker shortages in some sectors.
All time
Profile: The hard-right tech millionaire who's just taken over as Israeli prime minister
Naftali Bennett, a 49-year-old former Israeli Special Forces soldier and hardliner was declared the new prime minister last night.
Poll: Do you think the new government is doing a good job so far?
Have your say.
Éamon Ó Cuív and Saoirse McHugh say they won't back programme for government
Ó Cuív said he “seriously” fears for the future of Fianna Fáil.
After weekend row, Varadkar, Martin and Ryan sat down for talks on government formation today
Fine Gael accused some Fianna Fáil TDs of “damaging” the talks process at the weekend.
Green Party will enter coalition talks with Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil
The leaders of FG and FF have both welcomed this development.
'More urgency needed' to form government as two Covid-19 supports require legislation
Leo Varadkar said that we could have a new government in June.
Green Party rules out FG/FF coalition, calls for national unity government to tackle coronavirus
The Green’s 12 TDs met today to discuss their options for building a coalition.
'We need a government': Covid-19 brings 'urgency' to FF-FG government talks
Michael McGrath says ‘a government with authority, with a mandate’ is needed.
'Discussion about the potential for a government of change': Mary Lou McDonald meets with Green Party and People Before Profit
She will meet with the Social Democrats tomorrow.
FF finds itself between a rock and a hard place as all eyes turn to coalition talks
Martin does not have to consult the membership to enter talks with Sinn Féin.
What are the coalition options for the next government, and what are the leaders' stances?
For the first time ever, combined Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael seats may not make up a Dáil majority.
'It's not a normal party': Leo Varadkar rules out post-election coalition with Sinn Féin
The taoiseach said that it was a ‘principled’ position.
US-led coalition starts withdrawing from Syria amid fears about Isis rebuilding
Donald Trump announced plans to withdraw troops last month.
Explainer: 13 million people are facing starvation in Yemen. Why?
Six years of near-constant fighting in the Gulf state have brought the already-impoverished country to its knees.
'It was not an appropriate comment to make': Minister slapped down for comments about coalition with Sinn Féin
Junior Minister Jim Daly said he has “no ideological objection” to Sinn Fein being in government with Fine Gael.
Germany's Social Democrats clear path for Merkel's fourth term
Merkel has been leading Germany for 12 years.
Angela Merkel looked a dead cert to lead Germany again but she's now fighting for her political life
“As chancellor… I will do everything to ensure that this country comes out well through this difficult time.”
Chances of a Sinn Féin and Fianna Fáil government just got a lot smaller
TD Shane Cassells said people shouldn’t be fooled by Gerry Adams’ ‘cuddly’ tweets.
Iceland's government collapses after PM's father vouches for paedophile
The convicted sex offender was applying for “restored honour”, or a legal clean slate.
DUP signs £1 billion deal to prop up Theresa May's government
Jeremy Corbyn has questioned where the money is coming from.
Poll: Would you like to see Labour back in government?
Is it time for a comeback?
'Incompatible like oil and water': Fine Gael rules out Sinn Féin coalition
Enda Kenny came under fire this week after comments he made suggested he was opening the possibility of Fine Gael going into government with Sinn Féin.
Poll: Should Fine Gael consider going into power with Sinn Féin?
Taoiseach Enda Kenny recently refused to rule out such a coalition.
Here's how fighter jets refuel while bombing ISIS
The ability to extend the flying range of the fighter jets is crucial.
Russian army says US-led coalition has killed 60 Syrian soldiers in air strikes
The air strikes took place on forces surrounded by IS militants, the army said.
Russia takes credit for killing "principal architect" of terrorist attacks against the West
Islamic State said that one of its main figures has been killed by a US airstrike.
All smiles, but Australia's in political limbo after voters punish government
There could be a hung parliament thanks to how citizens chose to vote.
Talks latest: Labour could go back into government with Fine Gael
The party has said that it is one of three options being considered.
Poll: Do you think Fianna Fáil should take Fine Gael up on its offer of government?
It’s now 41 days since the country voted in the 2016 general election.
The Neverending Story: The big two are still trying to cobble together a government
There has been a bit of movement from all parties in Leinster House this afternoon.
The Independent Alliance had a "constructive" meeting with Enda
It comes ahead of the vote for Taoiseach next Thursday.