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# Red C Poll

This week
26th November 2023 - 2nd December 2023
Latest opinion poll reveals a drop in support for Sinn Féin
The poll also found three out of five people think Ireland has taken in too many Ukrainian refugees.
This year
Sinn Féin makes gains in new poll, while government parties stay far behind
Sinn Féin’s gains come after a significant dip in the polls in June, when the party lost 5%.
Majority of voters want USC scrapped, new polling shows
The desire for the controversial tax to be abolished is consistent across the political spectrum of voters.
Sinn Féin support growing at the expense of government parties, poll shows
Sinn Féin support is at 34%, while Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil are on 20% and 15% respectively.
Last year
Home Alone tops the poll of Ireland's favourite Christmas movies
Is your fave in the list, or are you not a Christmas movies fan?
Almost half of people think allowing nightclubs to stay open until 6am is a bad idea
A report by
Hayley Halpin
The Cabinet approved legislation last month that would allow nightclubs to stay open until 6am.
The Cabinet approved legislation last month that would allow nightclubs to stay open until 6am. If the legislation is passed by the Oireachtas, the changes are likely to be enacted next year.
More than half of people think later opening hours for pubs is a good idea.
Doctors' group warns longer pub opening hours are 'regressive and harmful'
Licensing changes to allow nightclubs open until 6am and pubs open until 12.30am by summer 2023
Poll finds that less than 20% of people who experience adult abuse report it
The survey of 1,000 adults also found some 66% of people know someone who has been abused
79% of people in favour of mandatory mask-wearing in at least one setting
More people in older age groups said they would like to see masks made mandatory.
Four in five people think next month's Carbon Tax increase should be delayed
It’s according to new polling conducted by Red C on behalf of The Journal.
One in four people think Ireland should have funded lethal military equipment for Ukraine
Almost 60% of people felt the Government was right to only contribute to the non-lethal military equipment fund.
All time
February has emerged as the favourite month for an extra bank holiday, new poll shows
It’s according to new polling conducted by Red C on behalf of The Journal.
One in five people distanced themselves from family or friends due to Covid disagreements
Those in younger age groups were more likely to have fallen out with a loved one.
39% of people had disagreements with friends or family about how to behave during the pandemic, Michelle Hennessy reports.
Almost half of those aged 35-44 said they had disagreements with a family member or friend about Covid vaccines.
No plans to change current testing regime, but contact screening to be reduced in longer-term
Huge surge in seizures of ivermectin as HSE warns against using unproven Covid-19 treatments
Vast majority of people have received a scam call from an Irish number in the past month
About half of people received a scam call in the last week, a Red C/The Journal poll has found.
Almost three-quarters of Irish adults said they received a scam call from an Irish number at some point over the past month.
A new survey from Red C/The Journal shows half of adults received a call in the last week, Orla Dwyer reports.
Recent common scam calls consist of a pre-recorded message purporting to be from the Department of Social Protection.
Fianna Fáil’s support drops to 11% in latest Red C poll
Today’s Red C poll also shows that 67% of people think the government is not doing a good job in handling the vaccine rollout.
Parents with young kids are spending more during lockdown, bucking savings trend
Raising the threat of further house price inflation,18-34-year-olds say they have been the best savers.
Rise in support for Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin, according to poll
It’s the first time since April 2017 that Fianna Fáil has polled ahead of Fine Gael in this series of polls.
People were polled with the same questions as the Citizens' Assembly. Here's what they said
The Citizens’ Assembly had an almost two-thirds majority vote (64%) for access to abortion on request at least in early pregnancy.
Enda Kenny should step aside as Brexit Minister when he leaves office - poll
The poll also showed strong support for a united Ireland to avoid a hard border between the Republic and Northern Ireland.
New poll shows that support for Sinn Féin is at its highest level in a year
Fianna Fáil’s support has dipped, albeit slightly.
Poll support for left-wing parties 'shows the huge impatience for Repeal referendum'
Today’s poll puts support for the Anti Austerity Alliance/People Before Profit at 9% – up three points since the last poll.
Fine Gael slumps as Sinn Féin rises in latest poll
The poll results also show a rise in support for independents.
There's bad news for Fine Gael but Labour has gained in the latest poll
This is the second hit in the polls for Fine Gael since Christmas.
Almost half of Irish people would house a refugee
About the same proportion also feel economic migrants strengthen Ireland.
Latest opinion poll sees jump in support for Fine Gael and Labour
This should be welcome news to the parties who saw a fall off in support back in July.
Retailers fear Dublin traffic restrictions will force shoppers to out-of-town centres
The Irish Parking Association said the restrictions could result in a 24% fall off in shopping and entertainment revenue.
Independents top the latest poll with 31% support
There was a drop in support for both Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil in The Sunday Business Post Red C poll.
Support for Government up as Fianna Fáil TD says his party is 'facing demise'
Support for Sinn Féin fell by four points to 17%.
Support for Labour has fallen (again) as Sinn Féin support increases (again)
Labour is down two to 7 per cent, Sinn Féin is up one point to 21 per cent while Fine Gael holds steady on 24.
New poll shows 76% support for same-sex marriage
The details were in the first opinion poll of 2015.
Labour drops to just 4 per cent in latest poll
A sharp fall for the junior coalition party in the latest opinion poll.
Poll shows how Sinn Féin's Europe candidates are doing after Adams arrest
The polls will be released tomorrow but show that Sinn Féin are doing well, as is Phil Prendergast.
No more austerity, not even for the sake of the euro
A new Red C poll of Irish adults finds that just 27 per cent of Irish people would support cuts to save the euro.
Nearly 30 per cent do not intend to pay property tax - poll
Two-thirds of those polled by Red C for the Sunday Business Post think the measure is an unfair tax.
Support for Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin falls in latest Red C poll
The poll in tomorrow’s Sunday Business Post puts the two main opposition parties behind Fine Gael while Labour’s support has jumped by one percentage point in the last month.
Red C poll marks rise in Fine Gael support
Fine Gael has seen a rise in support, while Labour has seen a drop, according to Red C poll to be published in tomorrow’s Sunday Business Post.
The Evening with an added early hangover
The things we learned, loved and shared today…
Sinn Féin 'will consider legal challenge' to force EU referendum
Pádraig Mac Lochlainn said the party would take the Government to court “if a credible legal challenge can be mounted”.
Majority of public don't trust coalition on public finances - Red C poll
A poll published in today’s Sunday Business Post shows a clear majority of people do not trust the coalition on the public finances.
Fianna Fáil support jumps as it overtakes Labour in latest Red C poll
The junior coalition partner is tied with Sinn Féin on 15 per cent support in the latest poll for the Sunday Business Post.