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# climate action

1st December 2023
No plans for Ireland to commit to further cuts in methane emissions at COP28 - Taoiseach
Varadkar said current targets need to be met before the government could be “serious and honest” about upping ambition.
This week
26th November 2023 - 2nd December 2023
Loss and damage: The complicated quest to help countries hit hardest by the climate crisis
A report by
Lauren Boland
A two-week UN conference starting today faces important decisions about setting up a new fund to support developing countries affected by climate change.
Irish government to push for fossil fuel companies to 'pay their way' at UN climate conference
The Irish delegation at COP28 will call for phasing out fossil fuels, building renewable energy sources, and helping vulnerable countries.
Last month
November 2023
Householders to pay 'small charge' on energy bills to pay for new floating gas storage ship
The location for the floating gas storage ship is yet to be decided.
Cork city cllrs decide against dumping €400,000 'robo trees', amid concerns they aren't working
The councillors debated whether it was worth paying an €18,000 maintenance fee for the robo trees this year.
This year
Climate experts tell TDs that 'weight-based tax' for heavier cars is 'desirable'
One expert recommended that the tax be introduced by the middle of next year.
Taoiseach says Rishi Sunak rolling back on climate measures is 'bad economic policy' for UK
Varadkar says car industry can’t have uncertain targets and moving goalposts.
Lung conditions will be made worse by climate change, say respiratory experts
Respiratory experts are calling on governments to reduce emissions and improve air quality using the same policies.
Government gets 'C+' in climate action as scientists say progress is good but not enough
It’s a slight increase from last year’s C, representing cause for ‘hope’ but not ‘celebration’.
Hot water from Poolbeg Incinerator to heat over 50,000 buildings from 2025
Excess hot water from the facility could be pumped into pipes instead of being cooled down and released into the Liffey.
Varadkar and Ryan diverge over whether rail review makes case for more road investment
Varadkar says the case for further investment in roads is ‘really strong’.
Four departments were responsible for one climate action each last quarter - and failed to finish
Overall, 63% of actions due to be completed during the quarter were finished on time.
Govt say EPA report 'doesn't tell the full story' and won't concede targets will be missed
Coalition leaders say some modeling is not contained in the EPA report.
Dublin City Council begins project to upgrade over 40,000 public lights
It’s described as one of the city council’s key efforts in realising its ‘energy reduction and climate action goals’.
German police carry out nationwide raids against climate activists
Authorities say the suspects are accused of “forming or supporting a criminal organisation”.
Extinction Rebellion protest Irish investment conference to stop funding of 'climate chaos'
The entrance to the conference was blocked by protesters who poured “oil” on themselves and lay on the ground.
John Gibbons: Biden may not be perfect on climate but he's our best hope
The environmental journalist and campaigner takes stock after Joe Biden’s visit and looks at the US president’s record on climate.
UN adopts ‘historic’ resolution on legal obligations to fight climate change
The resolution now goes to the International Court of Justice to clarify climate obligations and then begin proceedings.
World’s climate plans won’t keep temperature rise below 1.5 degrees - major UN report
Humanity can still prevent the worst-case climate scenarios – but we need to act now, the IPCC has confirmed.
'Climate needs to be at the heart of all decision-making' - Irish expert
Debunked: Five common climate myths and why they're wrong
MEPs vote for Europe to decarbonise buildings and help nature to trap carbon
EU politicians backed new policies for buildings to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions.
Bríd Smith: If we did free transport right, we can convince more than 1% of car users to switch
We need better, more frequent and efficient public transport in rural and urban areas and we need to make it free, writes Bríd Smith.
Student: Instead of enjoying our childhood, we're forced to protest over climate change
Eva Bresnihan will join thousands of students tomorrow, 3 March in a global Fridays for Future climate protest.
Ireland three years past deadline to send long-term climate strategy to European Union
A report by
Lauren Boland
The government has repeatedly fallen short of promises to get the important strategy finished.
Cumbersome grant system holding some back from solar PV uptake, says expert
Young people are least confident in Irish government's efforts on environment
Young people are least confident in Irish government's efforts on environment
New international polling on people’s views about climate change has examined perceptions in Ireland.
International polling on people's views about climate change examines perceptions in Ireland about the threat of the crisis.
Just over one in three people in Ireland think that governments are taking necessary measures to protect the environment.
85% of Irish people polled believe that rising global temperatures are a threat to humanity.
Net-zero climate policies will save lives by improving health, study finds
Eamon Ryan 'absolutely supports' Greta Thunberg and protesters against German mine expansion
Net-zero climate policies will save lives by improving health, study finds
Research found retrofitting homes with insulation can be a major contributor to better health.
High-powered EV chargers to be installed every 60km along all main roads under new Govt plan
€100 million fund to provide chargers along the main road network.
Extinction Rebellion ‘to temporarily shift away from public disruption’ tactics
Activists have gained notoriety for blockading train lines, airports and roads, causing chaos for commuters.
Last year
Demands on government to step up on climate crisis as new action plan takes hold
A report by
Lauren Boland
The Climate Action Plan 2023 contains a suite of measures aimed at cutting emissions – but its performance over the last year was mixed.
'Substantial concern' over gap in emissions reductions as new Climate Action Plan released
Debunked: Five common climate myths and why they're wrong
Over half of Irish Gen Zers want car-free zones in cities and the banning of domestic flights
New research studied young people’s attitudes to climate, their personal actions, and their opinions on hypothetical policies.
Number of delayed climate measures snowballs as new Climate Action Plan nears
The Department of Environment was the worst performer of any government department in the third quarter of the year.
Open Newsroom - COP27: What did we learn in Egypt?
Get on-the-ground, real-time analysis from the COP27 summit as it reaches its conclusion.
'We cannot opt out': Minister defends record as Ireland lags mid-table in climate action report
In a new report, Ireland and Poland were the only EU countries to receive a very low rating efforts to curb emissions.
Hundreds of climate campaigners stage protest at COP27 summit
The protesters marched through the conference’s ‘Blue Zone’, which is considered a UN territory and ruled by international law.
Activists highlight Ireland’s famine history as they call for climate action
Campaigners have staged a protest at the Famine Memorial statues in Dublin to mark Global Day of Climate Action
Government leaders fail to reach agreement on agriculture emissions reduction targets
Negotiations are set to continue tonight and tomorrow morning.
EU Parliament votes down objection to divisive 'sustainable' label for nuclear and gas
Ireland’s two Fianna Fáil MEPs took opposite sides of the debate.
Department of Environment reports worst progress on Climate Action Plan of any department
Only 59% of climate measures that were due to be completed by March were delivered.
How can citizens take climate action? Avoid long-haul flights and eat less meat, UN experts say
“Avoid, shift, improve” are ways individuals can curb climate emissions, a landmark UN report said.
Climate Action Delivery Board scraps requirement for itself to report to Government every quarter
The Board is also no longer required to present an annual progress report to Government.
Government announces plans for grants to cover up to 50% of cost for deep home retrofit
Up to 50% of deep retrofitting costs will be covered under the new grant scheme.
Up to 50% of deep retrofitting costs will be covered under the new grant scheme.
Grants of as much as around €25,000 will be offered for private homes to cover half the costs of a deep retrofit.
Explainer: Here's how the government's ambitious retrofitting grant scheme is meant to work
Junior minister tells people to tackle high cost of living by switching suppliers